The Top 11 High Best Paying Online Jobs to Earn Over $60,000

best paying online jobs : With the rise of remote work and the gig economy, online jobs provide tremendous opportunities to earn a great living from the comfort of your own home. From software developers to SEO experts, many lucrative careers can be pursued entirely online.

In this article, we will explore some of the best paying online jobs that can earn over $60,000 per year. We’ll look at the skills required, expected salaries, and tips to get started in each field. Whether you want to freelance or work for a company remotely, these roles offer high income potential.

Best Paying Online Jobs

Overview of best paying online jobs

best paying online jobs come in many shapes and sizes across a wide range of industries. Common categories include:

  • IT and software development
  • Marketing and communications
  • Administrative and virtual assistance
  • Tutoring and teaching
  • Writing and translation
  • Design and multimedia

With an internet connection and some expertise, people around the world are working remotely in these roles. The pay varies significantly based on your skills, experience, certifications, and employer. But the top jobs can lead to six-figure salaries.

Benefits of Online Jobs

Some key advantages of best paying online jobs include:

  • Location flexibility – Work from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Time flexibility – Create your own schedule.
  • Low overhead – Avoid commuting costs and other expenses.
  • Work-life balance – Better integrate your work and personal life.
  • Productivity – No office distractions.
  • Income potential – High earning careers possible.

With the right opportunity, online jobs allow you to earn a great living while enjoying flexibility and autonomy. Now let’s look at some of the best options.

High Paying Online Jobs

Here are 11 of the top best paying online jobs which are remote that can earn over $60,000 per year:

Software Developer

Software developers create applications, programs, websites and systems using various programming languages. It’s one of the most in-demand and lucrative tech roles.

Skills Needed

  • Programming languages like Java, Python, JavaScript
  • Understanding of software frameworks and tools
  • Problem-solving, analytical, and math skills
  • Attention to detail and consistency
  • Self-motivation and time management

Average Salary

The average software developer earns around $110,000 per year, with top earners making over $160,000.

Online Tutor

Online tutors work with students remotely to help improve their knowledge and skills in academic subjects or pursuits like music and sports.

Skills Needed

  • Expertise in academic subjects like math, science, languages, etc.
  • Teaching ability and communication skills
  • Patience and encouragement for students
  • Ability to use virtual teaching platforms and tools

Average Salary

Tutors can make $20 – $100 per hour depending on their experience level and subjects tutored. Top earners can make over $60,000 annually.

IT Consultant

IT consultants provide expertise and advice to organizations for managing their technology strategy and systems. They often work as freelancers serving multiple clients.

Skills Needed

  • Broad IT knowledge including security, infrastructure, networks, cloud, etc.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Excellent communication and presentation abilities
  • Understanding of business needs and IT solutions

Average Salary

IT consultants average between $85,000 – $125,000 per year, with top performers earning over $150,000.

SEO Expert

SEO experts optimize websites to achieve higher rankings in search engine results. This improves site traffic and visibility.

Skills Needed

  • In-depth knowledge of search engine optimization techniques
  • Ability to analyze and identify keyword opportunities
  • Website development and technical skills
  • Analytics and data interpretation
  • Creativity and strategy for content creation

Average Salary

SEO experts can earn $50,000 – $120,000 on average depending on their skill level and clientele. Top earners make over $150,000.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants provide administrative, technical, and creative services to clients remotely. They are skilled jacks-of-all-trades.

Skills Needed

  • Administrative skills like data entry, scheduling, email management
  • Customer service, communication, and problem-solving
  • Technical abilities ranging from social media to web development
  • Self-motivation and organization

Average Salary

Virtual assistants typically earn $30 – $50 per hour, resulting in $60,000+ for full-time work annually.

Factors to Consider for best paying online jobs

When evaluating online job opportunities, keep the following factors in mind:

Required Skills and Experience

Look for roles that align with your current skillset and background or skills you are willing to learn. More specialized knowledge typically leads to higher pay. Having an impressive portfolio or proven experience will boost your earning potential.

Time Commitment

Some online jobs allow you to work completely flexible hours, while others require set schedules. Consider the weekly hours and time zones required to determine if a role is a good fit. Full-time jobs tend to pay more than freelancing.

Work-Life Balance

Working from home allows greater work-life integration. But some online jobs can have tight deadlines and expect quick response times. Evaluate positions based on your need for flexibility and work preferences.

Getting Started with Online Jobs

If you’re new to remote work, here are some tips to launch your online career:

Build Your Skills

Consider specialized training, certification programs, online courses, and degrees to gain expertise for high paying online roles. Invest time into sharpening your knowledge.

Create an Online Portfolio

Build a professional website, LinkedIn profile, Github account or other online presence to showcase your work to potential employers or clients.

Network and Look for Opportunities

Attend industry events, join professional groups, and connect with leaders in your field to find job openings. Promote yourself and keep an eye out for ideal roles.



Online jobs provide tremendous opportunities to earn an excellent living remotely in fields ranging from programming to consulting. While requiring some expertise and effort, roles like software developer, tutor, IT consultant, and SEO expert can lead to $60,000+ in annual salary. Assess your skills and interests, build your professional online presence, and explore the many high paying online careers.

Final Tips

  • Leverage your existing skills and experience or work to develop expertise in high demand fields.
  • Take initiative to create an impressive online portfolio and promote yourself.
  • Network consistently to find new job leads and clients.
  • Once in a role, over-deliver on expectations to build your reputation.
  • Continuously learn and improve to boost your earning potential over time.

With dedication and hard work, you can find fulfilling and lucrative work online from anywhere in the world. The opportunities for prosperity are immense.


Q: What are the easiest online jobs that pay well?

A: Some of the easiest high-paying online jobs are virtual assistant, social media manager, online tutor, and freelance writer. They require skills many people already possess.

Q: Can you actually make good money with online jobs?

A: Yes, many online jobs pay extremely well into the six figures for professionals with in-demand expertise like software developers and consultants. Even starting positions pay decently.

Q: What online jobs can I do from home?

A: Popular online jobs you can do from home include customer service rep, IT technician, data entry worker, designer, programmer, content creator, digital marketer, translator, and more.

Q: What skills are most in demand for online jobs?

A: Some top skills for lucrative online jobs include programming, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media and digital marketing knowledge, writing and communication abilities, foreign languages, and expertise in fields like IT and business.

Q: Where can I find legitimate online jobs from home?

A: Reliable sites to find remote jobs include FlexJobs,, Indeed, LinkedIn, and reputable staffing sites for industries you are interested in. Many companies also have remote positions on their websites. Vet listings carefully.