10 Ultimate Tips To Take Control Of Your Mind

Take Control Of Your Mind :Taking control of your mind is one of the most important things you can do to improve your life. Your thoughts and beliefs shape your reality, so learning to master your mind is essential for happiness and success. Here are 10 ultimate tips to help you take back control of your mind:

1. Practice Mindfulness to Take Control Of Your Mind

Mindfulness means living in the present moment and being aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgement. Set aside time each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. Pay attention to any thoughts that arise without analyzing them. The act of observing your thoughts from a distance lessens their power over you. With regular practice, mindfulness gives you the ability to calm your mind and respond thoughtfully instead of reacting impulsively.

How to Practice Mindfulness

  • Set aside at least 10-15 minutes daily for mindfulness practice. Find a quiet spot and get into a comfortable position.
  • As you breathe in and out naturally, bring your attention to the sensations of your inhales and exhales.
  • When thoughts inevitably arise, don’t fight them. Just acknowledge them and let them pass without following or attaching to them.
  • If your mind wanders, gently return your focus to your breath.
  • Be patient and non-judgmental with yourself. Mind wandering is natural – simply return to your anchor.
  • Practicing consistently, even starting with just 5 minutes daily, will strengthen your mindfulness muscle over time.
Take Control Of Your Mind

2. Monitor Your Self-Talk

Self-talk refers to the inner voice in your head that makes judgments and comments about you and the world around you. Much of this self-talk is negative and can chip away at your self-esteem. Becoming aware of your inner voice is the first step to taking control over it. Notice when your self-talk turns negative so you can consciously shift to kinder, more empowering inner messages.

Tips for Positive Self-Talk

  • Actively listen to your self-talk and identify negative thought patterns. Common ones include self-criticism, doubting your abilities, or dwelling on the worst case scenario.
  • Counter the negative messages with positive, nurturing statements. For example: “I am enough,” “I can handle this challenge,” “I believe in myself.”
  • Speak to yourself with the kindness and respect you would give to a loved one. Avoid harsh self-judgments.
  • Keep track of negative thoughts in a journal. Analyzing these thought patterns helps disempower them.
  • Affirm your positive qualities and things you appreciate about yourself to boost your self-image.

3. Set Aside Worry Time

It’s natural to worry about problems from time to time. But excessive worrying can take over your mind and prevent you from living in the moment. To take back control, set aside a designated “worry time” each day when you allow yourself to dwell on your concerns.

Creating an Effective Worry Time

  • Choose a set time and place where you can worry without distractions. 10-20 minutes is recommended.
  • When worries arise at other times, write them down and save them for your scheduled worry time.
  • Use the worry time to problem-solve if needed. Jot down solutions as they come to you.
  • At the end of the allotted time, put aside your worries until the next worry time. They can keep until then.
  • If worries continue after worry time, remind yourself these thoughts already have a place to be addressed later.
  • With practice, limiting worries to a contained time period reduces rumination.

4. Challenge Negative Thoughts

When your mind gets stuck in a loop of pessimistic thinking, one way to gain control is to actively challenge these irrational or exaggerated thoughts. This technique from cognitive behavioral therapy helps break negative thinking cycles.

Steps to Challenge Negative Thoughts

  • Identify the distorted negative thought, such as “I’m a total failure.”
  • Examine the thought objectively. Ask yourself, is this thought completely accurate and rational? What evidence supports or contradicts it?
  • Come up with a more balanced thought. For example: “I have succeeded in many areas. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.”
  • When the negative thought arises again later, replace it with the new one.
  • Also visualize positive outcomes. Imagine yourself accomplishing your goals.
  • Continue challenging negative thoughts whenever they occur to transform your inner dialogue.

5. Avoid Thought Suppression

Trying hard not to think about something actually makes your brain focus on it more. Thought suppression tends to have a rebound effect. Like trying not to think of a white elephant – all you end up thinking about is white elephants! It’s better to acknowledge unwanted thoughts and let them pass by than wage war against them in your mind. Accept their presence, but don’t engage or suppress them.

Healthy Ways to Let Go of Intrusive Thoughts

  • Notice the thought, label it neutrally, and let it go, like leaves floating down a stream.
  • Shift your focus to the present. Describe your surroundings, count backward from 100, or focus intently on a task.
  • Imagine packing the thought away into a box and placing it on a shelf. Visualize closing the box.
  • Say to yourself “I acknowledge this thought, but choose not to engage with it right now.”
  • Avoid dramatic attempts to distract yourself, which makes the thought more significant. Just gently guide your mind elsewhere.
Take Control Of Your Mind

6. Establish Healthy Habits and Routines

Your daily habits and routines hold tremendous power over your mind. Unhealthy habits like scrolling endlessly on your phone or watching too much TV numb your mind and training it to be distracted and reactive. Establishing new healthy habits creates structure and ritual to your days so your mind has less room for unhelpful thoughts.

Ways to Build Healthy Habits

  • Wake up and go to bed at consistent times to regulate your sleep cycle.
  • Incorporate physical activity like walking or yoga into your daily routine. Regular exercise reduces anxiety.
  • Set aside time for hobbies or creative activities rather than defaulting to screens for entertainment.
  • Choose empowering morning and evening rituals like meditating, reading, or journaling.
  • Schedule time for healthy relationships and social activities to reduce isolation.
  • Drink more water, eat nutritious whole foods, and reduce alcohol/junk food for better mental clarity.

7. Declutter Your Environment

When your home or workspace is cluttered and disorganized, it creates mental clutter as well. Set aside time for cleaning, decluttering, and organizing your surroundings. Simplifying your environment helps instill a sense of calm and control.

How Decluttering Benefits Your Mindset:

  • Removes visual distractions that drain mental energy.
  • Creates a soothing, inspiring space to think and focus.
  • Provides a clean slate for new beginnings and goals.
  • Promotes decision making – keep what sparks joy, discard what doesn’t.
  • Frees you from excess stuff that no longer serves you.
  • Instills a sense of accomplishment and lightness.
  • Represents clearing away mental cobwebs and negativity.

8. Limit News and Social Media

Non-stop news and social media overload your mind with a never-ending stream of negativity and outrage that fuels anxiety. Set healthy limits on consuming news media and scrolling feeds. Check news just once or twice daily instead of 24/7. Spend time offline engaging in the real world instead of endlessly scrolling. Unplugging gives your mind space rather than constant stimulation.

Tips for Managing Media Consumption

  • Delete social media apps from your smartphone to avoid mindless scrolling.
  • Set a timer for 30 minutes for social media, then switch activities.
  • Check news only during allocated times, not throughout the day.
  • Curate who you follow to reduce toxic content on your feeds.
  • Identify how feeling after doomscrolling helps you set healthy limits.
  • Replace online time with self-care practices, hobbies, or socializing.
  • Mute notifications so you choose when to check apps, rather than reacting to pings.

9. Practice Gratitude

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude greatly enhances your sense of wellbeing and life satisfaction. When you focus your mind on blessings and things you appreciate – from loved ones, to your health, to simple pleasures – it powerfully shifts your thought patterns in a positive direction. Moments of gratitude meditation or writing down things you’re grateful for strengthens your mind’s capacity for optimism, empathy, and connection.

Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

  • Keep a gratitude journal where you regularly log things large and small that you’re thankful for.
  • Take time to recognize simple daily pleasures by observing them mindfully.
  • Tell loved ones how much you appreciate them and why.
  • Write thank you notes to special people in your life.
  • When you wake up or go to bed, name 3-5 specific things from that day you’re grateful for.
  • Share inspirational quotes, poems, or mantras about gratitude on social media or with friends.

10. Get Out in Nature

Spending time outdoors surrounded by the natural world does wonders for resetting your mind. The simplicity and beauty of nature forces you to slow down your racing thoughts. The sights, sounds, and smells engage your senses, anchoring you in the present. Time in nature restores mental clarity, reduces stress hormones, and reconnects you to your place in the larger universe.

Reap the Mental Health Benefits of Nature

  • Take solo walks in nature to clear your head. Bask in the serene sights and sounds.
  • Try forest bathing – literally showering your senses with the wondrous stimuli of the forest.
  • Sit by moving water and tune into the soothing, repetitive sounds.
  • Try grounding techniques like walking barefoot on the earth or sitting against a tree.
  • Camp, hike, or visit local parks to unplug from technology and immerse in nature.
  • Plant a garden and get your hands in the soil while improving your living space.


Your mind is a powerful tool that shapes your perspective and approach to life. While you may not have complete control over your thoughts, implementing healthy mental habits allows you to steer your mindset in a positive direction. The ultimate way to master your mind is through regularly practicing mindfulness, self-care, gratitude, and living purposefully. When you take ownership of your inner world, external circumstances have far less power over your happiness and outlook. With regular practice using these tips, you will transform not just your mindset – but your whole life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is it so hard to control my thoughts sometimes?

A: The brain’s default is to constantly generate thoughts, many of which are negative or unhelpful. It takes practice to master your thoughts. Be patient and keep focusing on implementing healthy mental habits. Over time, your thought patterns can be rewired.

Q: Are there any books or courses you recommend for learning to master your mind?

A: Yes, some helpful resources include “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, the workbook “Mind Over Mood” by CBT experts, UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center, and the meditation app Headspace. Find resources that resonate with you.

Q: How long until I start noticing changes after practicing these mental habits?

A: If you stick with the habits consistently, most people begin noticing subtle positive changes in their outlook and thought control within a few weeks. However, altering deep-rooted thought patterns takes months of diligent practice. Be patient with yourself and focus on progress over perfection.

Q: Are some people just born with naturally strong mental control?

A: Genetics and temperament do play a role in our tendency for positive or negative thinking. But the good news is mental habits can be learned by anyone. With regular practice, even people with busy, distraction-prone minds can achieve greater thought mastery.

Q: What should I do when I have a day where negative thoughts overwhelm me?

A: Don’t judge yourself or consider it a failure. Ups and downs happen on any journey. The best thing to do is continue practicing your mental habits the next day. Negative times often precede personal growth. Just get back on track with self-care and mindfulness. Over time, staying power develops.