Improving Self-Esteem Through Positive Activities

Improving Self-Esteem Through Positive Activities : Having healthy self-esteem is important for overall well-being. Self-esteem affects how we feel about ourselves and how we interact with others. While some people seem to naturally radiate confidence, many struggle with feelings of self-doubt and negativity. The good news is there are practical steps you can take to boost your self-esteem. Engaging in positive activities can help shift your mindset and support a healthy sense of self-worth. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 15 strategies to improve self-esteem through meaningful activities.

Identify Areas for Growth

The first step is to reflect on your current self-esteem and identify opportunities for growth. Consider when you feel most positive about yourself, and when self-criticism creeps in.

  • Make a list of your strengths and things you appreciate about yourself. Reflect on your positive qualities and don’t discount attributes you take for granted.
  • Also note areas where self-doubt undermines your confidence. Common themes include appearance, competence, relationships, etc.
  • Getting clarity on patterns around your self-esteem provides a starting point. You can then target activities to bolster areas you would like to improve.

Practice Self-Care

Caring for your physical, mental and emotional needs builds self-worth and resilience against negative thinking. Self-care activities reinforce that you are worthy of attention and nurturing.

Improving Self-Esteem Through Positive Activities

Attending to Physical Needs

  • Get regular exercise – Physical activity, even light exercise like walking, relieves stress and causes the brain to release feel-good endorphins.
  • Eat nutritious meals – Avoid restrictive dieting. Nourish your body with wholesome, energizing foods.
  • Get enough sleep – Aim for 7-9 hours per night. Proper rest equips you to handle challenges.
  • Take relaxing breaks – Unplug and recharge with calming activities like baths, massage, nature walks, etc.

Cultivating Mental and Emotional Wellness

  • Identify negative self-talk – Notice critical inner voices fueling self-doubt. Counter with affirming statements.
  • Practice mindfulness – Meditation, deep breathing and yoga calm the mind and boost awareness of self-defeating thoughts.
  • Keep a gratitude journal – Daily write down things you feel thankful for about yourself, life, others.
  • Do mood-boosting activities – Singing, dancing, creative projects, humor and helping others increase happiness.
  • Access counseling (if needed) – Therapy can help develop tools to overcome traumatic experiences, unhelpful beliefs and ingrained negativity.

Taking good care of your whole self communicates “I matter.” This powerful act of self-love builds confidence and well-being.

Set Meaningful Goals

Accomplishing steps toward meaningful goals and dreams provides a sense of purpose and achievement critical for healthy self-esteem.

Steps for Setting Effective Goals

  • Identify values – What really matters to you? Link goals to personal values for intrinsic motivation.
  • Set SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound goals are easiest to accomplish.
  • Break into baby steps – Smaller milestones marking progress are encouraging.
  • Tell supportive people – Sharing goals with encouragers builds accountability.
  • Reward successes – Celebrate each milestone. Enjoy the journey, not just the destination.
  • Readjust as needed – Review regularly. Modify timelines or methods if something isn’t working.

Achieving meaningful goals affirms your competence and self-efficacy. Give yourself credit for motivated efforts, not just goal completion.

Pursue Growth and Learning

Seeking new knowledge, skills and experiences expands your horizons and cultivates self-confidence.

Ways to Keep Growing

  • Take classes – Community colleges, online learning, workshops, seminars, tutoring
  • Read books – Fiction for emotional growth, nonfiction to increase knowledge
  • Listen to educational podcasts – Huge variety of topics for learning on-the-go
  • Join a book club – Reading and discussing books with others provides new perspectives
  • Travel – Experiencing new places and cultures expands your worldview
  • Learn a new hobby – Spark creativity and enjoyment through photography, arts, DIY projects, coding, etc.
  • Improve job skills – Seminars, training programs and certifications grow your resume

Lifelong learning demonstrates your ability to absorb new perspectives. It also connects you to others with common interests and goals.

Contribute to Causes

Volunteering time or resources to help good causes benefits both society and your self-image.

Reasons Helping Others Boosts Self-Esteem

  • Seeing you can positively impact others’ lives is fulfilling.
  • Social connections formed while volunteering provide a sense of community.
  • Learning new skills by helping out builds confidence.
  • Benefits to others reinforce your strengths and value.
  • Empathy developed helping people facing challenges encourages self-compassion.

Get Involved However You Can

  • Local parks, schools, shelters and places of worship often need volunteers.
  • Donating funds to causes you care about makes a difference too.
  • Offer professional skills – tutoring, marketing, legal advice, tech support.
  • Voice opinions on social media regarding causes needing attention.
  • Support ethical brands aligned with your values.

Contributing time and energy to benefit others provides perspective. You gain awareness of your capacity to enact positive change in the world.

Improving Self-Esteem Through Positive Activities

Nurture Supportive Relationships

Developing meaningful connections with others who appreciate you counters isolation that can damage self-esteem.

Tips for Growing Supportive Relationships

  • Spend time listening – Ask about their lives, interests, struggles.
  • Limit toxic relationships – Minimize time with people who treat you poorly or undermine your self-worth.
  • Share your feelings – Let supportive people know when you feel discouraged. Ask for specific encouragement.
  • Connect authentically – Be your genuine self, not who you think people want you to be. The right people will appreciate the real you.
  • Support them too – Offer sincere compliments, help when needed. Mutual care builds bonds.

Being valued by people who see our worth helps internalize positive self-regard. Their care reflects our deservingness.

Practice Unconditional Self-Acceptance

Self-criticism often stems from judging ourselves harshly based on narrow standards of achievement, appearance, status, etc. Accepting ourselves as worthy and lovable right now, even with imperfections, counters negative self-talk.

Steps to Accept Yourself Where You’re At

  • Notice inner voices criticizing flaws. Talk to yourself with compassion as you would a good friend.
  • Appreciate your unique qualities. Different doesn’t mean less.
  • Recognize unrealistic expectations based on photoshopped media images, social media highlight reels, etc.
  • Be patient learning new skills. Enjoy the process, even if you don’t master them quickly.
  • Remember all humans have value, regardless of what they can or cannot do.
  • Focus on behaviors under your control you can improve, not unchangeable attributes.
  • Forgive past mistakes. Don’t let them define your future.

With practice, self-acceptance weakens harsh inner critics and strengthens awareness of your inherent worth.

Use Your Creativity

Expressing ourselves creatively reinforces that our imaginations and feelings matter. Experiment freely without judging results.

Creative Endeavors to Try

  • Cooking / baking – Play with recipes and spice combinations
  • Painting / drawing – Doodle, sketch trees, pets or favorite places. No need for masterpieces.
  • DIY crafts – Make cards, jewelry, home decor items out of simple materials
  • Gardening – Grow veggies, herbs, flowers in backyard pots or window boxes
  • Writing – Start a personal blog or journal thoughts and feelings
  • Photography – Use your phone to capture inspiring moments and scenes
  • Music / dance – Play instruments, sing in the shower or have living room dance parties

The act of creating solely for enjoyment, without regard for outcomes, cultivates self-acceptance. Don’t compare yourself to others. Focus on feeling free in the moment.

Improving Self-Esteem Through Positive Activities

Practice Gratitude

Intentionally shifting focus to blessings counteracts our brains’ negativity bias. Appreciating good things directs attention away from dissatisfaction about perceived flaws or weaknesses.

Ways to Cultivate Gratitude

  • Start a gratitude journal. Each day, write down a few things you feel thankful for.
  • Share thanks. Express grateful feelings directly to loved ones.
  • Write thank you notes. Put gratitude into words for teachers, coworkers, friends.
  • Give thanks before meals. Appreciate having food, shelter, loved ones.
  • Ask someone about their day. Listen intently to their response.
  • Savor simple pleasures. Notice and appreciate small delights throughout your day.
  • Share inspiration. Post positive quotes, images, stories to encourage others.

Developing a gratitude practice helps reframe challenges as opportunities for growth. You start expecting blessings, not just bracing for adversity.

Get Outdoors

Spending time in nature soothes our systems, physically and mentally. It provides perspective that boosts confidence.

Benefits of Time Outdoors

  • Sunshine boosts serotonin levels promoting positive mood.
  • Green space and nature sounds lower blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Fresh air, activity and scenery provide respite from technology and routine.
  • The enormity of the natural world and its beauty instills calm and awe.
  • Achieving fitness goals like completing a hike or long bike ride builds self-efficacy.
  • Exploring new outdoor places satisfies curiosity and allows discovery.

Immerse yourself in the grounding details of leaves rustling, birds chirping, clouds drifting by. Let the steady natural world humble your worries and inspires optimism.

Practice Self-Compassion

Many of us talk to ourselves in harsh ways we’d never speak to people we care about. Shifting to gentle, encouraging inner dialogue builds resilience.

Develop Self-Compassion By:

  • Noticing inner judgments without believing them. They often exaggerate reality.
  • Choosing encouraging words like, “This is a learning experience. You’re doing the best you can.”
  • Reminding yourself everyone makes mistakes. Criticism shouldn’t define you.
  • Imagining a trusted friend is speaking negatively about themselves, and thinking of what you would tell them. We often give ourselves worse treatment than those we care about.
  • Consider if expectations of yourself are realistic. Strive for progress, not perfection.
  • Letting go of shame and reframing failures as opportunities to grow and do better.

With practice, self-compassion weakens harsh inner voices and strengthens awareness of your worthiness of kindness – from yourself and others.

Find Flow States

Flow refers to optimal states of consciousness where we are fully immersed in meaningful challenges. We lose self-consciousness and feel energized joy, even during hard work. Seek flow moments.

Activities Promoting Flow

  • Sports – With clear goals, immediate feedback and actions matching abilities
  • Art – Losing self-awareness fully engaged in creative process
  • Music – Harmonizing skills and challenges playing instruments or singing
  • Work – When high focus meets high skill in projects we care about
  • Academics – Learning new concepts and skills in engaging ways
  • Gaming – Quests tapping skill and concentration
  • Writing – Expressing ideas fluently without self-judgement
  • Exercise – Level of exertion balances skill level
  • Spirituality – Activities like meditation foster unity of body and mind
  • Conversation – Discussing engaging topics with someone attuned to you

By tapping into flow states doing activities that resonate with our values, skills and interests, we strengthen joyful self-confidence.

Practice Public Speaking

Many people fear public speaking more than just about anything. Moving past that fear builds tremendous confidence.

Ways to Practice Speaking Up

  • Toastmasters provides a supportive environment for practicing speeches. Members provide friendly feedback.
  • Look for local storytelling events like The Moth. Share a 5-minute personal tale.
  • Volunteer to present at professional meetings. Summarize key learnings from a conference.
  • Offer to teach a skill at community education events, like cooking or gardening classes.
  • Consider improv comedy classes. The games build spontaneity and quick thinking.
  • Join a debate club. Researching issues thoroughly to argue perspectives builds confidence.

Start small sharing thoughts with familiar groups to grow assured speaking up in wider circles. With practice, you’ll gain skills and remember friends want to see you shine.

Perform Acts of Kindness

Helping others makes us feel more positive about ourselves and connected to others. It shifts focus from own worries to making a difference.

Everyday Opportunities for Small Acts of Kindness

  • Offer sincere compliments
  • Hold doors open for others
  • Take an acquaintance to coffee to catch up
  • Let someone go ahead of you in line
  • Leave larger tips than expected when you get great service
  • Send encouraging texts or emails to loved ones when you think of them
  • Help neighbors by bringing in trash cans or shoveling snow
  • Donate gently used goods to charity
  • Recommend books, films, music you think friends would appreciate
  • Leave encouraging notes on colleagues’ desks

Simple generosity requiring minimal time and money makes the world friendlier. When we spread goodwill, it lifts self-worth.

List Your Strengths

Make a running list of positive qualities, talents, and skills to reference when self-judgment creeps in. Add to it regularly.

Possible Areas of Strength

  • Character strengths – Kindness, bravery, creativity, humor, persistence, etc.
  • Work/school strengths – Effective communicator, problem-solver, diligent, artistic, organized, etc.
  • Interpersonal strengths – Loyal friend, engaged listener, generous
  • Knowledge and skills – Musical ability, foreign languages, coding, gardening, sports, cooking, etc.
  • Personality strengths – Curious, passionate, laid back, adventurous, optimistic, etc.

Keep your list handy. Add to it often. Refer to it when you need a confidence boost. We all have unique gifts. Reminding yourself of them cultivates appreciation.


A healthy self-esteem is critical for overall well-being. Thankfully, there are many practical ways to boost feelings of self-worth through meaningful activities. Anything that nourishes your body, intrigues your mind, expresses creativity, contributes to others and fosters growth is worthwhile. Be patient with yourself in the process. Rather than demanding perfection, approach goals with curiosity and compassion. Momentum builds with consistent practice. By actively caring for and exploring yourself, positive self-regard grows. You affirm your unique worth and capacity to handle life’s challenges. Soon, self-esteem strengthening activities become an empowering self-reinforcing upward spiral.

Frequently Asked Questions About Improving Self-Esteem Through Activities

Can one activity boost my self-esteem long-term?

In most cases, no. Lasting self-esteem improvement requires consistency practicing activities that cumulatively shift your self-perception for the better. Any single activity provides temporary benefits. For ongoing growth, make self-care and esteem-boosting actions part of your regular routine.

Which activity works fastest to boost self-esteem?

It depends on your specific needs and nature. For some, physical activity immediately reduces anxiety and improves mood. Others may benefit most journaling to process emotions or volunteering to feel purpose. Reflect on when your self-esteem feels highest and lowest. Tailor activities accordingly.

Do I need to spend money on classes or travel for self-esteem activities?

Not necessarily. Many excellent esteem-boosting actions like exercising, learning online, writing or volunteering cost little to no money. Focus more on activities aligning with your values and interests rather than their cost. Invest in a few that resonate most.

What if I don’t see quick results from self-esteem activities?

Be patient with yourself. Years of negative self-talk often require concerted effort to undo. Schedule esteem-lifting activities during times you tend to criticize yourself. Consistency is key. Track small progress. Each positive action is a victory, no matter how subtle. Progress over perfection.

How do I make self-esteem activities a lasting habit?

  • Link activities to current habits to build in consistency. For example, add five minutes of meditation to your morning routine.
  • Start small, like three 10-minute walks per week, not an hour every day. Slowly increase.
  • Schedule activities on your calendar to create accountability.
  • Find forms of activities you enjoy. It’s easier to sustain habits we like.
  • Celebrate and reward milestones to reinforce behaviors.
  • Share your goals with encouraging people who will nudging you forward.