The Top 15 Best Selling How To Books of All Time

best selling how to books : How to books provide step-by-step instructions and advice on mastering skills, hobbies, or tasks. These handy books have taught readers how to do everything from fixing a leaky faucet to building a house. Some of the most popular how-to books have sold millions of copies, providing useful information and changing lives.

Here are the 15 best selling how-to books of all time:

1. The Joy of Cooking by Irma S. Rombauer (1931)

The original edition of this famous cookbook was self-published during the Great Depression by Irma Rombauer, a housewife who needed income after her husband’s suicide. It has since sold over 18 million copies and is considered one of the most influential cookbooks of all time. The Joy of Cooking provides recipes and cooking tips for everything from basic techniques to complete meals.

Key Takeaway: For over 90 years, this cookbook has taught people how to cook just about anything. It established cooking instructions and recipe writing as a popular genre.

2. What to Expect When You’re Expecting by Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel (1984)

Originally published in 1984, this pregnancy guidebook has sold over 18 million copies to date. The book takes expectant mothers week-by-week through their pregnancy, describing fetal development, physical changes, and tips for a healthy pregnancy. It was groundbreaking at the time for providing practical pregnancy advice for mothers.

Key Takeaway: This book set the standard for pregnancy guides by giving moms-to-be a roadmap of what to expect at each stage of pregnancy.

3. J.K. Lasser’s Your Income Tax by J.K. Lasser Institute (annually updated)

First published in 1938, the J.K. Lasser’s tax guide is updated and released annually to help Americans prepare their income taxes. It simplifies complex tax codes and provides forms, instructions, and tips for maximizing returns. Over 16 million copies of the various editions have been sold.

Key Takeaway: By simplifying complex tax codes each year, this book helps taxpayers file their returns correctly and get the best refunds.

4. The Betty Crocker Cookbook by Betty Crocker (1950)

This classic cookbook published under the Betty Crocker brand has taught home cooks simple recipes and cooking techniques for over 70 years. With over 75 million copies sold since 1950, it is one of the bestselling cookbooks of all time. The book features recipes using common ingredients and simple instructions.

Key Takeaway: Betty simplifies cooking and baking for the everyday home cook. Multiple editions over the years reflect changing tastes and trends.

5. The Complete Guide to Framing by Gary Stanton (1995)

For over 25 years, this book by Gary Stanton has been the go-to guide for learning framing carpentry from the ground up. With over 1,600 illustrations and photos, it teaches carpentry basics all the way up to complex construction techniques in an easy-to-understand and visual format. To date, over 2 million copies have been sold.

Key Takeaway: This framing book provides detailed visual instructions to teach carpentry skills to new DIYers and professionals alike.

6. What to Expect the First Year by Heidi Murkoff (1989)

Following the success of her pregnancy guide, Heidi Murkoff published this best-selling companion to guide parents through baby’s first year. The book covers month-by-month child development, health tips, parenting advice, and common challenges. With over 14 million copies sold, it prepares new parents for the adventures of the first year.

Key Takeaway: The book that taught millions of new parents what to expect and do during baby’s exhilarating yet exhausting first year of life.

7. 1,000 Places to See Before You Die by Patricia Schultz (2003)

This popular travel book provides suggestions and insights on the top 1,000 destinations around the world to visit. Spanning sights across all seven continents, the book introduces readers to hidden gems, famous hotspots, natural wonders, and cultural institutions that should be on everyone’s life list. Over 13 million copies have been sold since 2003.

Key Takeaway: 1,000 Places inspires readers to create their own travel bucket lists and experience some of the world’s most iconic landmarks.

8. The Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen (1974)

This vegetarian and natural foods cookbook was self-published in 1974 by the Moosewood Restaurant collective. It has since sold over 11 million copies and is credited with revolutionizing vegetarian cooking. The book features simple recipes like hummus, bruschetta, and nut loaf that use whole foods and natural ingredients.

Key Takeaway: Moosewood introduced healthier, vegetarian recipes and cooking techniques that were accessible to home cooks.

9. I Hate to Housekeep by Peg Bracken (1962)

This humorous housekeeping guide provides real-world cleaning advice for busy people who don’t enjoy or have time for excessive housework. Bracken encourages readers to embrace lower standards of cleanliness and not waste time scrubbing. The book has sold over 8 million copies to date.

Key Takeaway: Bracken’s philosophy helped shift attitudes around societal pressures for a spotless home.

10. The Reader’s Digest Complete Do-it-Yourself Manual (1973)

Originally published in 1973, this DIY book compiled home repair information from Popular Mechanics into one giant reference book. It provides instructions on basic repairs and renovations for homeowners. With over 5 million copies sold, it has shown millions of people how to fix-up their homes.

Key Takeaway: This book taught basic home repair skills to multiple generations of DIYers.

11. The South Beach Diet by Arthur Agatston (2003)

This best-selling diet book was created by cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston. The diet plan focuses on low glycemic index foods that control blood sugar and help lose weight. Since 2003, the book has sold over 7 million copies and sparked a low-carb diet fad.

Key Takeaway: The South Beach Diet popularized low-carb eating for weight loss and better health based on medical and scientific principles.

12. The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff (1983)

Benjamin Hoff’s book uses Winnie-the-Pooh characters to explain concepts of the Chinese philosophy Taoism. Published in 1983, it made Taoist teachings easy to understand through simple stories. Over 7 million copies have been sold to date.

Key Takeaway: The book translated complex philosophical ideas into easily grasped concepts using beloved childhood characters.

13. Perfect Pie by Susan G. Purdy (2000)

This cookbook is considered by many to be the bible of pie baking. The book demystifies the art of pie making with detailed recipes, tips, and hundreds of photographs guiding readers through making flawless crusts and gorgeous fillings. It has sold over 6 million copies since its publication in 2000.

Key Takeaway: Aspiring bakers turn to this book over and over again to successfully master pie baking.

14. Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving by Judi Kingry and Lauren Devine (2006)

Published by the company behind Ball canning jars and supplies, this is the bible for home canning. It provides beginner and advanced techniques for safely water bath and pressure canning fruits, vegetables, salsas, and more. With over 5 million copies sold, it shows all levels how to preserve fresh foods at home.

Key Takeaway: An encyclopedia of tested canning recipes and methodology for safe home food preservation.

15. The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries by Multiple Authors (1927-Present)

The hugely popular Hardy Boys (1927) and Nancy Drew (1930) mystery books turned into a franchise of hundreds of titles ghost-written by different authors over decades and appealing to generations of readers. They follow amateur teenage sleuths solving mysteries and crimes. Over 70 million copies of the various series titles have sold.

Key Takeaway: These highly engaging mystery series turned millions of kids into passionate readers.

Why How To Books Are So Popular best selling how to books

best selling how to books endure as popular sellers because they fulfill a fundamental human need: the desire to improve our lives. These books promise to make us better cooks, help us build a house, show us how to save on taxes, guide us through pregnancy, and teach skills ranging from framing to traveling.

People continually seek out practical knowledge. And they turn to how-to books to learn from the distilled experience of experts in an easy-to-use format. The formulas and instructions inside enable readers to achieve results and success. And the visuals and tips make the process understandable.

The broad appeal and utility of how-to content explains why these books remain in demand year after year. The classics like Joy of Cooking and Betty Crocker stay relevant through updated editions. And new titles respond to modern interests like low-carb diets or destination travel.

How-to authors recognize our basic needs—eating, housing, finances, pregnancy, child-rearing, repairs, hobbies—and answer them with their knowledge. When packaged in clear, actionable content, readers come back again and again to these best selling how to books throughout their lives.

The Top 15 Best Selling How To Books of All Time

What Makes A How-To Book Successful

The best selling how to books don’t just provide information – they impart wisdom. The most successful titles endure because they deliver useful content in an engaging and easily understood format. Here are some key factors driving the popularity and longevity of beloved how-to books:

  • Practical Focus: They address practical needs and desires in people’s lives—how to cook tasty meals, build things, get pregnant, manage finances, etc.
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: How-to information is laid out in clear steps so readers can progress from beginner to mastery.
  • Visuals: Abundant illustrations, diagrams, photos, and other visual content supplement directions.
  • Simplicity: Authors distill complex topics down to only the essential techniques and advice readers need.
  • multiple editions: Successful titles get updated frequently with new content, ideas, and visuals.
  • Voice: The author’s unique personality and perspective shapes the content.
  • Comprehensiveness: Books include everything about a topic to be the go-to reference.
  • Reliability: Tested techniques provide proven results readers can trust.
  • Inspiring: Readers are energized and empowered to take action and achieve success.
  • Problem Solving: How-to books identify and troubleshoot common issues people face.

The combination of practical utility and engaging voice makes these books beloved references that stand the test of time even against digital competition.

Types of How-To Books

While how-to topics are endless, some core topics remain evergreen. Here are major categories of best selling how to books that keep selling year after year:

Cooking and Food

Cookbooks teach everything from basic recipes to advanced techniques and help people master cooking. Popular sub-genres include general cookbooks, baking, grilling, instant pots, slow cookers, Vegan, and more.

Home and Repairs

Home repair books offer DIY instructions for things like wiring, woodworking, plumbing, painting, and renovations so homeowners can fix and improve their residence.

Health and Diet

Health books provide guidance on medical conditions, exercises, losing weight, nutrition, pregnancy, childcare, and more to take control of your wellbeing.

Personal Finance

From budgeting to investing to taxes, money management books help people improve their finances, save more, and maximize income.

Hobbies and Crafts

These how-to guides help you pick up new skills and hobbies like knitting, crochet, jewelry making, magic tricks, juggling, and everything in between.

Business and Career

Improve your professional skills with business books on leadership, productivity, sales, entrepreneurship, communication, and more. They teach people to succeed at work.

Relationship and Family

Self-help relationship books provide couples and families with communication techniques, parenting advice, marriage tips, and conflict resolution strategies.

Arts and Entertainment

Learn how to play instruments, write songs, act, dance, paint, or otherwise express your artistic talents with these instructive guides.

Tips for Aspiring How-To Authors

The enduring popularity of information-packed best selling how to books presents an attractive opportunity for aspiring authors. Writing your own how-to book can establish you as an expert, help others, and generate steady sales year after year. Here are some tips for writing a successful how-to book:

  • Choose a specific niche topic: Focus your how-to book on a narrow, targeted theme that has eager readers wanting to learn more.
  • Research thoroughly: Interview experts, try techniques yourself, and gather ample information during the research process.
  • Organize logically: Group related topics and sequence steps in a natural order for readers to progress smoothly to more advanced skills.
  • Be visual: Use photos, charts, diagrams, illustrations, bullet points, and ample white space to engage readers visually.
  • Write conversationally: Use casual language, humor, examples, and a friendly tone so the book is enjoyable to read.
  • Make it practical: Include templates, worksheets, checklists, and other tools to help readers apply advice.
  • Test your content: Have beginners use your book to learn the topic and provide feedback to improve instructions.
  • Consider multimedia: Expand your book into videos, courses, podcasts, and other formats to increase ways readers can learn.

How-to content helps people improve their lives. By positioning yourself as the expert teacher on your topic, you can have a lasting impact through a book that sells for decades to come.


best selling how to books meet a fundamental human need for self-improvement. By imparting valuable skills and knowledge, they provide utility to millions of readers around the world. The best titles speak to universal wants—cooking tasty meals, getting organized, learning a hobby—in language anyone can understand.

Successful how-to authors build trusting relationships by delivering helpful advice that works. Their books become beloved references passed down through generations. The simplicity, practicality, and voice of a great how-to book withstands the test of time, even against flashier digital formats.

So the next time you feel lost or need to develop a new skill, look no further than the wisdom condensed between the covers of a well-written how-to guide. Let it inspire you and give you the tools to build confidence and achieve mastery. The knowledge within those pages has the power to enrich your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What makes how-to books so popular and successful?

best selling how to books are popular because they provide practical, actionable advice and techniques about universal topics that people are eager to learn, like cooking, home repair, finances, health, hobbies, and more. The step-by-step instructions distill expertise in an easy-to-use way for readers to improve their lives.

2.What are the best selling how-to books of all time?

Some of the all-time best selling how to books include The Joy of Cooking, What to Expect When You’re Expecting, J.K. Lasser’s Your Income Tax, Betty Crocker Cookbook, The Complete Guide to Framing, 1,000 Places to See Before You Die, and The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew mysteries.

3.How can I write my own successful how-to book?

Tips for writing a great best selling how to books include choosing a focused niche topic, thoroughly researching your content, organizing instructions logically, using abundant visuals, writing conversationally, testing your advice on beginners, and considering multimedia formats.

4.What are the main types and categories of how-to books?

Some major best selling how to books categories include cooking/food, home repair, health/diet, personal finance, hobbies/crafts, business/career, relationships/family, arts/entertainment, and more. The knowledge spans every area of life.

5.Why do how-to books continue selling well in the digital age?

Though information is available online, people still seek out vetted expertise in book format. best selling how to books condense knowledge into a simplified format. The voice, visuals, curated advice, and portability make them retain popularity against digital competition.