7 Powerful books that will make you rich

I. Introduction

7 Powerful books that will make you rich : The books we choose to read have an immense impact on our mindset, habits, and approach to wealth creation. Selecting the right books at each stage of the wealth accumulation journey is crucial for continued growth and success. In this article, I have categorized the most important books to read based on income milestones – from zero to $10,000 a month, $10,000 to $100,000 a month, and $100,000 to $1 million a month. The books recommended in the initial categories lay the mental, emotional and habit-based foundation that enables wealth building at 10x levels in the later stages.

II. Understanding the Foundation of Wealth

Before diving into tactical wealth creation strategies, it is important to understand the core mindsets and principles that enable sustainable financial success. The books in this section focus on finding your life purpose, developing an unstoppable attitude despite obstacles, and cultivating a wealth and abundance mindset.

Books for Zero to $10,000 a Month

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: This international bestseller reveals how to overcome fear and follow one’s Personal Legend. It emphasizes listening to your heart and pursuing your dreams relentlessly despite external challenges. The core principles provide a strong foundation to stay committed to your wealth creation journey.

Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins: Considered by many to be Robbins’ best work, this book dives into neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to control your mental, emotional and physical state. It provides techniques to develop an unstoppable mindset of confidence, focus and determination to achieve any goal including financial success.

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck: This book discusses the difference between a fixed and growth mindset. The author provides insights into cultivating a growth mindset that believes intelligence can be developed, leading to increased motivation and achievement. It enables you to reframe your beliefs to support your success journey.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles: Despite being written in 1910, the principles in this book seem tailor-made for today’s wealth seekers. It reveals how getting rich is a science, and how to leverage the power of your will and mind. It also covers tactics like ignoring appearances and not talking about poverty.

17 Powerful books that will make you rich

III. Mindset Shift for Zero to $10,000 a Month

In order to rise from zero to earning $10,000 a month, you must undergo a radical mindset shift. You must recognize that financial success is not a pipe dream but an absolute necessity. This requires tremendous discipline to retrain your mental habits and transform into someone capable of earning $10,000 a month.

The mindset transition can feel like an existential crisis. You are suddenly seeing the world through completely new eyes. Activities and priorities start changing as your identity begins to morph. This process is challenging but incredibly empowering.

You may encounter tremendous self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Your mind will resist the changes vigorously. Persisting through the difficult mental remodeling is imperative. You must reach a point where you are unwilling to see the month end until you’ve earned $10,000. That’s when you know your mindset has aligned with your goal.

Books for $10,000 to $100,000 a Month

Atomic Habits by James Clear: This book reveals how to use small, incremental habit changes to radically improve your personal and professional life. For instance, reading 30 minutes per day can lead to finishing over 50 books a year. Clear also discusses habit stacking and highlighting to make new habits more enticing.

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy: This book explains how small, consistent actions completed over time lead to disproportionate results through the compounding effect. Hardy provides insights into prioritizing key actions, eliminating distractions and keeping your vision in focus to achieve exponential growth in all areas of life including income.

Abundance by Peter Diamandis: Co-written with Steven Kotler, this book highlights how technological progress is creating a world of far greater wealth and abundance than ever imagined. The authors provide insights into cultivating an opportunity-focused mindset to solve problems and generate income rather than complaining about constraints.

IV. Building Atomic Habits for Success

In the early stages of my wealth creation journey, Atomic Habits by James Clear was a game changer. It opened my eyes to the power of small, incremental improvements in habits. Clear explained how you must make a new behavior attractive and easy to adopt consistently. He also revealed the concept of habit stacking where adding a new habit onto an existing one makes it easier to stick to.

Here is an example of how I used atomic habits to transform my professional output and income. I made it attractive by reading Atomic Habits at a tranquil location I enjoyed. I made it easy by keeping the book at the location to open up. I stacked the reading habit onto my existing habit of having breakfast – after breakfast I would read Atomic Habits for 15 minutes.

Within months, these principles had compounded and completely changed my morning routine and daily output. I went from hating mornings and barely working till lunchtime to feeling motivated and working hours before lunch! This habit change increased my income significantly within just two quarters.

V. Setting Expectations with “Money Master the Game”

While I understood the principles of wealth creation intellectually, Tony Robbins’ Money Master the Game was the first book that opened my eyes to what lifestyles were possible at what income levels.

Robbins takes you through a detailed exercise to identify the lifestyle you want, calculate the expenses, account for inflation, determine the investment returns needed and work backwards to the required capital and cash flow. This was an eye-opening moment, as I realized I was far closer to my multi-million dollar dream lifestyle than I had imagined!

Going through the financial planning exercise gave me a concrete target to work towards. I could reverse engineer the necessary business and investment income required to live the lifestyle I truly desired. Having tangible expectations to meet made me feel accountable and motivated to execute.

VI. Leveraging Systems for $10,000 to $100,000 a Month

The hardest part of growing from $10,000 to $100,000 a month is recognizing that brute effort alone will not cut it. You have to set systems in place and learn to leverage skills like marketing and persuasion. This is where The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss provides priceless insight.

The book famously explains the 80/20 principle known as the Pareto principle. 20% of your activities generate 80% of your results. Hence, you need to Identify and focus maniacally on the vital 20% rather than spreading yourself thin. Ferriss provides tips into assessing the impact-to-time ratio of various activities.

He also provides invaluable tactics on leveraging persuasion, negotiation, marketing and automated income generation. By spending time upfront to build robust marketing funnels and sales systems, you can decouple income from pure labor. This enables you to 10x your earnings without 10x more work.

VII. Mastering Negotiation for Business Success

As an entrepreneur going from $10,000 to $100,000 a month income, mastering negotiation skills becomes absolutely crucial. You must learn to negotiate everything from venture capital and credit terms to supplier and B2B contracts. This is where Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss becomes invaluable.

Voss introduces tactics like tactical empathy, mirroring body language and vocal pacing, and asking calibrated questions to build quick affinity and trust with the counterparty. His methods empowered me to consistently negotiate lucrative deals for my business.

For instance, by mirroring the breathing and speech patterns of investors I was pitching to, I was able to deeply connect with them and earn quick trust to secure 7 figure investment deals. Learning to negotiate with empathy also enabled me to build lasting win-win relationships with vendors and suppliers, further enhancing profitability.

VIII. Understanding Human Nature for Success

Once you cross six figures in monthly income, some of the hardest challenges revolve around managing teams, attracting investors, and navigating social situations. Books like How to Win Friends and Influence People and The Charisma Myth provide exceptional insights into inspiring others, building quick rapport, and becoming more influential.

However, I would caution against indiscriminate use of more manipulative tomes like The 48 Laws of Power. While undoubtedly insightful, applying certain laws can leave relationships permanently damaged in the long run. Use wisdom when applying lessons about human nature to avoid unethical or unsustainable short-term gains.

IX. Essential Business Knowledge for Success

If you want to sustain business success beyond the six-figure scale, you must develop a robust understanding of core business disciplines. Instead of going back for an MBA, I would highly recommend The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman to acquire an MBA level education in the comfort of your home.

This phenomenal book covers key concepts across every major business discipline – including finance, accounting, marketing, sales, management, operations and leadership. The structured learning approach enabled me to develop a strong corporate strategy foundation without taking 2 years off to get an MBA.

X. Investing Wisely for $100,000 to $1 Million a Month

While so far we’ve focused on creating income through business and career, you cannot ignore smart investing principles if you want to scale beyond $100,000 a month in passive income. This is where The Intelligent Investor by legendary investor Benjamin Graham provides foundational education.

Written in 1949, Graham’s value investing principles are still treasured by billionaire investors like Warren Buffet. The book teaches you how to invest safely and profitably by ignoring speculation, following a disciplined strategy, and always investing with a margin of safety against loss.

Learning to build and protect your capital through savvy investing becomes indispensable when you have surplus income. Making your money work hard for you accelerates your wealth creation flywheel. The Intelligent Investor provides a proven blueprint for investing success.

XI. Managing Reality and Behavioral Economics

As your income reaches 7 to 8 figures annually, you must learn principles that may seem esoteric at first glance. Books like Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland teach you how to manage your inner reality and leverage your subconscious mind to shape your external reality.

Complementing these metaphysical models, reading up on behavioral economics is also invaluable. For instance, Misbehaving by Richard Thaler reveals the psychological quirks that cause people to make irrational economic choices. Master these mental models to make more calculated, rational choices in your own life.

Learning to bend reality in your favor and make lucid decisions gives you an edge over others who are unaware of these subtle psychological forces. Knowledge of behavioral economics helps you structure deals and incentives that maximize the chance of others making choices that benefit your wealth.

XII. Analyzing History for $1 Million to $10 Million a Month

This may seem surprising, but reading books analyzing major historical events has been tremendously helpful for my own ability to navigate the economy and predict macroeconomic trends.

For instance, reading The Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin uncovers the shady origins of the Federal Reserve and its manipulation of interest rates over the past century. This shapes my understanding of inflation and guides my investment choices.

Likewise, books analyzing periods like the Great Depression and the rise and fall of the Gold standard provide terrific insight into how the global banking system operates behind the scenes. Understanding history helps you avoid being blindsided by seismic economic shifts and always stay ahead of the curve.

XIII. Shifting Perspective for $1 Million to $10 Million a Month

In this article, I have provided my recommendation of the 17 most transformational books to read as you progress through your wealth accumulation journey, from zero to making your first ten million a year. Reading the right books at each income milestone provides the optimal knowledge boost to sustain your growth.

However, keep in mind that the personal insight I gained from these books was even more invaluable than their raw content. Reading these books shattered limiting beliefs and dramatically expanded my perspective at pivotal points in my career. The emotional transformation and motivation gained from these books turbocharged my success just as much as their tactical advice.

I encourage you to read these books selectively and strategically at the income levels they are recommended – that is when their content and wisdom will resonate the most with your personal experience. Your income and net worth will grow exponentially if you walk this journey with continuous learning and an openness to expand your mindset.


The books you choose have an immense ability to shape your psychology, habits and systems for success. Read books that impart knowledge relevant to your current stage of the wealth creation journey. Start by strengthening your mindset and core principles. Progress to tactical habis, leverage and persuasive skills. Expand into investing mastery, understanding human behavior and making sense of the world around you. This will ensure you have the optimal mental models to support your evolution from thousandnaire to millionaire. Keep learning, stay hungry and you will achieve your biggest financial goals.


Q: Where should a complete beginner start in terms of reading for financial success?

Start with mindset and psychology focused books like The Alchemist, Unlimited Power and Mindset to cultivate the optimal mental framework of purpose, confidence and a growth mindset.

Q: Is it necessary to read advanced books on investing early in the wealth creation journey?

No, tactical investing books are better suited for later stages when you actually have significant capital to invest. Early on, focus on mindset, skills development and income generation.

Q: How long will it take to actually achieve the income milestones covered in each book category?

Results will vary based on consistency in applying the principles, your starting context and how boldly you aim. However, 1-2 years per milestone is reasonable for most achievers.

Q: Should I only read the recommended books or explore others as well?

This is a starter list – by all means continue reading beyond it! Use these as guides at each level but keep broadening your knowledge base.

Q: If I had to pick 3 books to start with, which ones should I get?

I’d recommend Mindset, Atomic Habits and either The 4-Hour Workweek or Money Master the Game to first develop the optimal psychology, habits and financial expectations.