10 Small Habits That Can Improve Your Life

Making little positive changes in how you live can end up changing your whole life for the better. By building these 10 tiny habits into your regular routine, you can set yourself up for health, happiness and success.

1. Say Thank You More

Giving sincere thanks when someone helps you or does something nice, even in a small way, shows you notice and appreciate them. Get in the habit of expressing gratitude every day. Thank people for favors, good advice, kind acts, or just being wonderful friends. Showing appreciation strengthens relationships and makes people want to help you more.

Do This:

  • Thank people right after they help you.
  • Note specific details you’re grateful for.
  • Explain how they made your life easier.
  • Find fun ways to show thanks like gifts or shoutouts.

Benefits: Appreciation makes people feel valued. They’ll become devoted friends and allies.

2. Get Moving

Regular exercise provides incredible health benefits both physical and mental. But getting a workout habit started can be tough. So start super small. Do situps during commercials when watching TV. Take a short walk after dinner. Do a few squats while brushing your teeth. Once it becomes a routine habit, gradually increase intensity. Tiny spurts of activity add up to big results over time.

Do This:

  • Add 1-2 minutes of exercise to your existing routines.
  • Increase just slightly each week.
  • Mix up activities to prevent boredom.
  • Invite others to join you for motivation.

Benefits: Small activity habits boost energy, reduce stress, and improve fitness.

10 Small Habits That Can Improve Your Life

3. Read a Bit Every Day

Reading regularly has been shown to make you smarter, more empathetic and creative. But carving out large chunks of time to read can be difficult. The trick is to make reading a consistent habit even if it’s just for short sessions. Read during breakfast, on your commute, or before bedtime. Just a few pages a day adds up over time to books read and knowledge gained.

Do This:

  • Bring a book with you for spare moments.
  • Set a timer for 15 minutes of reading per day.
  • Gradually increase reading time as it becomes habit.
  • Join a book club for accountability.

Benefits: Consistent reading boosts intelligence, focus, memory, and happiness.

4. Write Down Goals

Defining your goals and dreams is the first step toward achieving them. But just thinking about them rarely makes them happen. When you write goals down clearly, your brain starts crafting plans to make them reality. Plus the act of writing cements your commitment. Revisit your written goals often. Update them as needed. But keep them visible as a daily reminder.

Do This:

  • Write specific measurable goals for all areas: career, health, hobbies, relationships, etc.
  • Break big goals into smaller action steps.
  • Review and update written goals weekly.
  • Share goals with others for accountability.

Benefits: Writing clarifies goals. Visible reminders keep you on track.

10 Small Habits That Can Improve Your Life

5. Practice Mindfulness

Slowing down life’s hectic pace through mindfulness has incredible benefits for mental health and well-being. But mediating for long periods can be difficult to sustain. Instead, sprinkle tiny mindfulness habits into your regular routines. Take some deep breaths before answering the phone. Eat slowly and savor each bite of food. Pause to admire nature for a minute or two when outside. These small acts of present focus add up.

Do This:

  • Schedule brief 1-2 minute mindfulness sessions in your day.
  • Try brief meditation or gratitude practice when waiting in line.
  • Savor sensory experiences like smells and textures for a moment.
  • Download mindfulness apps for guidance.

Benefits: Mini mindfulness habits reduce stress, improve happiness and concentration.

6. Develop a Night Routine

How you spend the hour before bedtime impacts the quality of your sleep and next day. Create a consistent soothing routine to transition into sleep. Dim lights, read quietly, listen to calm music, stretch gently, sip herbal tea. Repeating the same sequence each night signals your brain it’s time for rest. You’ll fall asleep faster and wake more refreshed.

Do This:

  • Determine your ideal pre-bed routine for relaxation.
  • Follow sequence consistently at the same time nightly.
  • Avoid screens and vigorous activity before bed.
  • Make your bedroom cool, dark and comfy.

Benefits: Soothing night routines improve sleep quality, energy, mood and health.

7. Save a Few Dollars

Saving money provides security for emergencies and makes future goals attainable. But if budgets are tight, saving a large amount regularly can be hard. The key is to make saving a consistent habit no matter how small the amount. Every time you make a purchase, transfer a few dollars to savings. When you get paid, have a percent automatically deposited to savings. Tiny savings add up surprisingly fast.

Do This:

  • Save spare change in a jar each day.
  • Automatically transfer even $5 a week to savings.
  • Whenever you get paid, save a percentage first before spending.
  • Slowly increase amount as the habit becomes consistent.

Benefits: Small consistent saving gives financial freedom and options.

8. Write Down 3 Good Things

Focusing on positive events and emotions has been scientifically shown to boost happiness. But it’s easy to dwell on negatives in day-to-day life. Make appreciating the good a habit by writing down 3 positive things daily. They can be small (a good cup of coffee) or big (family time). Reliving the positives focuses your brain on the joys and brightens your whole outlook.

Do This:

  • Think back over your day each night.
  • Jot down 3 things that went well or made you happy.
  • Explain why each positive event occurred.
  • Reread previous entries when feeling down.

Benefits: Focusing on positive events trains your brain for optimism.

9. Learn Something New

Lifelong learning keeps your mind sharp and spirit engaged. But carving out time for structured learning everyday can be difficult. The key is small bites of knowledge daily. Listen to podcasts during your commute. Watch educational Youtube videos over breakfast. Read industry articles that interest you. Curiosity leads to discoveries. A few minutes of learning daily gives you fresh perspectives.

Do This:

  • Identify topics and skills you want to learn.
  • Schedule just 5-10 minutes daily for learning.
  • Use spare moments like commuting for podcasts or articles.
  • Take community education courses on weekends.

Benefits: Tiny knowledge gains compound over time into broad wisdom.

10 Small Habits That Can Improve Your Life

10. Compliment People

Simply sharing sincere praise when you notice someone doing good work or demonstrating virtues uplifts them and strengthens bonds. Look for opportunities to offer compliments each day. Thank someone for their kindness. Applaud a teammate’s creativity. Tell your spouse how much you appreciate their support. Recognizing others’ contributions cultivates gratitude and respect.

Do This:

  • Praise people soon after they accomplish something.
  • Note specific details you admire about their efforts.
  • Explain how their excellence impacts others positively.
  • Tell them how their example inspires you to do better.

Benefits: Sincere compliments make people feel great and builds trust.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I try to build all these habits at once?

No! Start with just 1 or 2 tiny habits, then gradually add more over time. Too much change all at once never sticks. Build slowly on small successes.

What if I fail at a new habit some days?

It takes time to stick. Don’t give up if you miss some days. Just restart the next day. Consistency develops over time. Forgive yourself and continue.

How long does it take to build a habit?

It depends on the habit, but estimates range from 18 to 254 days. Keep at it. The more you repeat a behavior, the more automatic it becomes. Remember the effort compounds over time into big results.

Where can I learn more about developing habits?

Many excellent books and websites provide strategies for successfully building habits. Some experts to check out include James Clear, Wendy Wood, Gretchen Rubin, Charles Duhigg, and BJ Fogg. Just reading about habits daily can strengthen your motivation.


Small consistent changes truly can transform your life in incredible ways over time. Start with whichever 1 or 2 tiny habits resonate with you most right now. Focus on repeating them daily, even when motivation lags. With patience and commitment, the habits will stick, leading to greater health, knowledge, productivity and happiness. The power of tiny habits is they slide easily into your life today and gradually build towards the person you want to become.